Looking for a First-Class Investment Consultant
Turkish Citizenship Investment Program
Real Estate Investment $400.000
Acquiring a property worth minimum of 400.000 USD with a title deed restriction on
its resale for three years as attested by the Ministry of Environment and
Deposit Account in Turkish Bank
Turkish Lira Equivalent to $500.000
Depositing at least 500.000 USD equivalent Turkish Lira in any bank(s) operating in
Turkiye with the condition not to withdraw the sam efor at least three years
(attested by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency)
Government dept instruments
Buying at least 500.000 USD equivalent Turkish Lira worth of government bonds with
the condition that they cannot be sold for at least three years. (attested by the
Ministry of Treasury and Finance)
Visa-free travel to 120 countries
Includes Full Family
Spouse and Dependent Children
Easy access to the UK
the US and the EU
No Minimum Stay
No Interview
No Language knowledge required
Citizenship in 3 to 6 months
Allows dual citizenship
Free access to one of the world’s best healthcare systems
Fast and simple journey

Discuss and decide which programme and investment route is
best suited to you and your family.

Completing the selection of your investments

Preparing the documents getting residency and other necessary
permits from government bodies

Getting our citizenship approval and Turkish passport
Regent Sukhumvit 97/1, Unit: E143, Phra Kanong, Bangkok,
10260 -
+66 95 990 00 40